
Dont push the red button
Dont push the red button

dont push the red button

Since us old guys have special needs-we can’t see, we can’t hear and our fingers don’t work all that well anymore-lately I’ve had to amend that rule: In selecting a device, make sure it works for you. But I’ve done okay sticking to the idea that you use technology as a tool, not a toy-and you spend a little extra time making sure you are using the right tool for the job.

dont push the red button

And I used a slide rule to get through college math.

dont push the red button

They didn’t even make Playstations until I was in my fifites (my mom certainly never got me one). Old Guys Have Special Technology Needs, Too But that’s not enough. Social media and other web-based communication gadgets and services are a large part of the mix. You probably have a website-it’s not too hard to get some kid to help you set one up, and spending some money to get a good one is worth it. consumers now use online media when looking for a product or service (including legal services!) in their area. They say, for example that nearly all U.S. Invariably, I panic over hitting the wrong button-and then proceed to do so anyway.Īll the new technology intimidates me somewhat, and my inclination is to avoid it whenever possible. But, the reality of the world-the business world in particular-is that you either get comfortable with tomorrow’s technology or risk becoming obsolete. Like a lot of my … er … older peers, I have an immediate fear reaction to anything that even smells like a newfangled electronic device. It’s not just that I’ve often been compared to Tommy Lee Jones (particularly in his younger years). When K asks what it is, J responds, “Didn’t your mom ever buy you a Playstation?” To which K replies, “A what?”įor some reason, I identify strongly with K in that scene. The car he’s driving suddenly transforms into one that flies, and the steering wheel is replaced by an unfamiliar object that looks like a Playstation controller. There’s a scene in “Men in Black II” where Agent J (Will Smith) tells Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones), “Don’t push the red button.” Of course, he does.

Dont push the red button