
Fallout shelter cheats apk android
Fallout shelter cheats apk android

fallout shelter cheats apk android

At the beginning of the game, you have nothing but electricity, water, and food in the shelter. You have to enter one of the shelters with the few people who survived the tragedy and start a new life in the basement. In this game, you have the role of a commander in the base, which you must expand. Introduction and story of Fallout Shelter mod apk:įrom the name of the game, it is clear that its story is about the shelter of the nuclear disaster survivors underground. The game was made available to gamers in June 2015 for iOS, in August 2015 for Android devices, in July 2016 for Microsoft Windows operating systems, in February 2017 for Xbox One, and in June 2018 for PlayStation devices. You can go outside the base wearing security clothes and discover valuable and hidden elements outside the base. Prepare various suitable weapons for yourself before their surprise attack. Enemy forces may surprise you and attack your underground base.

fallout shelter cheats apk android

In this game, you are in charge of management, and in addition to management, you must also defend your base. In this tutorial, you will learn how to play Fallout Shelter mod apk, and you will understand what you should prioritize at the beginning of the game. There are tutorials for you at the beginning of the game that you can follow in the game according to these tutorials. In this game, you can easily zoom in and see the details. The gameplay is in two-dimensional style and from the front view. Of course, Download the mod version and get unlimited money and lunchboxes. In this game, you have to earn money to be able to buy magic boxes. In this game, you have the role of commander, and you have to attack the enemy forces and defend your base and forces. Fallout Shelter Mod Apk 1.15.10 Hack(Money, Lunchbox) + Data for androidįallout Shelter mod apk is a free simulation-style video game released by Bethesda.

Fallout shelter cheats apk android